Essiac Circle of Friends

ORDERING PAGE for Herbs & Information to Make Essiac Tea

Organic, U.S.-Grown Herbs - Sheep Sorrel root included

We offer the highest quality herbs to make Essiac tea in your own home just like Rene Caisse did!  To find out who we are and why our herbs are superior to others, please click on the About Us, Growing Methods and Harvesting Roots buttons above.  Click here to read about our Essiac Herb Quality.

We follow the same Essiac formula that was used by Rene Caisse after fifty years of research including her clinical research with the herbs in Bracebridge, Ontario. 

Rene Caisse stated that sheep sorrel roots are "very essential" to the Essiac formula.  We provide a choice between 10% or 25% sheep sorrel roots in proportion to the total sheep sorrel content.   Click on the Essiac Affidavit button above to see a certified copy of the only verifiable, legal evidence of Rene Caisse's Essiac formula. 

Our Essiac tea herbs are packaged in heavy-duty, double-sealed foil stand-up pouches to protect the herbs from light, moisture and air degradation.


Instructions for making and taking Essiac tea are included with each package and here.  The tea will keep in the fridge for about three weeks.  The instructions include herbs to water ratios for making from one quart to one gallon of the tea at a time, so you can make up only as much as you expect to use within the shelf life time. The herbs in their dry form will remain potent for more than a year, if properly stored in a cool, dry, dark place (a pantry or kitchen cupboard usually suffices). 

The retail outlets listed below all use these very same high-quality herbs including sheep sorrel roots which we all helped to grow and harvest together!  You can order from any of the stores below.  Each store is a separate, independent business with different websites and may have different packaging, pricing, specials, payment options and may offer other products as well.  All retailers below offer Bulk Essiac Tea herbs as well as smaller two ounce packets.

Click on the logos and links below to purchase Essiac tea herbs from our websites in our Essiac Circle of Friends.   Visit Ingri Cassel's Humbleweed website for the best prices and personal health suggestions.

  HUMBLEWEED -- Ingri Cassel

ONLINE, PHONE, MAIL ORDERS, RETAIL & WHOLESALE:  Visit Ingri Cassel's website at

Ingri has a lifetime of experience with herbal medicine and natural remedies.  She can take your phone calls and can offer suggestions to address your personal health concerns.  Ingri is a great source for health advice.

Listen to Ingri's weekly radio program on Saturdays at



ESSIAC NORTHWEST -- Michelle Mandolf

ONLINE, PHONE AND MAIL ORDERS:  Visit ESSIACNORTHWEST.COM to order Essiac tea herbs with sheep sorrel roots included from Michelle Mandolf. 


Ingri and Michelle harvesting certified organic sheep sorrel roots in North Idaho


BUYER BEWARE:  There are only a few websites that claim they include sheep sorrel roots in their Essiac herbs.  However, an unethical company could only add a pinch of powdered sheep sorrel roots to a pound of sheep sorrel leaf and legally say that the roots are included.  Obviously, such an insignificant or small amount of root will have negligible effect health-wise. 

Therefore the only ethical way to prove that roots are included is to state the exact percentage of roots in relation to the total sheep sorrel content and disclose with pictures how the roots are separated from the top of plant.  Essiac tea should contain at least 10% sheep sorrel roots.  That translates to a minimum of 1.6 ounces of roots in every pound of sheep sorrel herb.

Standard farm machinery cannot accurately separate the roots from the tops.  This can only be done by hand in a labor-intensive, time-consuming effort.  Therefore it is very expensive to grow and harvest the roots.  Due to the high labor costs and smaller root size sheep sorrel roots are more than twice as expensive as ginseng or goldenseal roots.  However, it is not practical or affordable for an organic farmer to employ many workers to hand-trim the roots from the aerial part of the plant.  For this reason you will not be able to find a credible sheep sorrel root supplier on the internet.  It is simple economics.

Consequently, there are plenty of cheap "Essiac" imitations on the internet.  They are cheap because they do not add sheep sorrel roots (in spite of what they may claim on their website).  Since Rene Caisse stated that sheep sorrel roots are "very essential" to the Essiac formula, they are falsely claiming it is Essiac.

If sheep sorrel roots are not included in sufficient amount, it is not Essiac.

We are aware of at least one Essiac website that fraudulently claims to have included sheep sorrel roots.  Therefore they do not tell you how they grow and harvest them and show pictures of their operations like we do. 

Also, several websites claim that Essiac tea has eight herbs instead of four.  This is false information that has been disproven with legal documentation from Mary McPherson and Sheila Snow.  Click here for more information about these eight-herb teas.

To see how we grow and harvest sheep sorrel roots click on the "Growing Methods" and "Harvesting Roots" links or the buttons at the top of this page. 


Essiac Circle of Friends

Essiac NorthWest, Humbleweed and many others have all contributed to the Essiac Circle of Friends, a natural society of  like-minded people continuing traditional native herbal healing in the spirit of the Seven Fires Prophecy.  The Essiac Circle of Friends is a cooperative effort to provide the highest quality Essiac tea herbs on the planet.  It is not in itself a corporation or business but some of the people involved have started their own retail outlets [see above] to provide these high-quality herbs to the public.   We are the people who plant, grow, harvest and supply these high-quality herbs to those in need.  The Circle has evolved over the past decade with various people contributing to it and then moving on in the ever-changing ebb and flow of life. *

* IMPORTANT NOTICE:  We do not sell nor are we associated with the trademarked (TM) or registered (R) "ESSIAC" products that are sold by other companies in Canada and the US.  We only sell the herbs so that people can make Rene Caisse's tea in their own homes.  Rene Caisse never registered, patented or trademarked "Essiac" which was simply her last name spelled backwards and was originally derived from a native American herbal remedy for cancer.  The word "Essiac" was in common usage in the 1930s, decades before anyone tried to corner the market by "registering" or "trademarking" the word "Essiac".  Furthermore, we only use the "Essiac" formula which Rene Caisse's best friend, Mary McPherson, officially entered into the public domain in a sworn affidavit in 1994 in Bracebridge, Ontario.  This formula uses Turkey rhubarb root which is much more pleasant tasting than the Indian rhubarb products on the market (which is why Rene Caisse switched to Turkey rhubarb in her final Essiac tea formula).  The website has posted Mary McPherson's "Essiac" formula affidavit here.  This is the formula we use. 

We include sheep sorrel roots in all our Essiac tea products at precise percentages.  The percentages refer to the ratio of sheep sorrel root to the total sheep sorrel content in the formula.

The information on this page and on this website is for historical and general information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.

Click here to learn how to make Essiac tea.

Click here  to watch The Rene Caisse Story on YouTube.

Click here to see Mary McPherson's Essiac Formula Affidavit

Essiac FAQClick here for a reliable, extensive source of information about Essiac tea:

Click here to locate a naturopathic doctor at the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

Click here to locate natural healing professionals at HealthWorld Online


© Essiac Circle of Friends      All Rights Reserved *